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HerdPlus utilities

HerdPlus: SeH and SpH for varying sample sizes

Calculate SeH and SpH for a range of sample sizes, for specified test sensitivity, test specificity, herd size and cut-point number of reactors. Values are calculated for all sample sizes from the cut-point number of reactors up to the specified herd size.

Inputs include:

  • Test sensitivity and specificity;
  • Animal-level design prevalence (the hypothetical prevalence to be detected);
  • Herd size;
  • The cut-point number of reactors to classify a herd/flock as positive (if there are fewer reactors than the specified cut-point the herd is negative, if the number of reactors is >= cut-point the herd is positive);
  • The desired precision of results (number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point); and
  • The number of iterations for the simulation method.

Tables and plots are presented for SeH and SpH for four different estimation methods:

  • Simulated sampling using the specified number of iterations;
  • HerdPlus: Using the hypergeometric distribution. Greiner et al, manuscript in preparation;
  • HerdAcc: Jordan D, McEwen SA, 1998. Herd-level test performance based on uncertain estimates of individual test performance, individual true prevalence and herd true prevalence. Prev. Vet. Med. 3: 187-209; and
  • FreeCalc: Cameron AR, Baldock FC, 1998. A new probability formula for surveys to substantiate freedom from disease. Prev. Vet. Med. 34: 1-17.


Developed by Matthias Greiner and Evan Sergeant